1. The next meeting will be on the 4th Wednesday this month - Wednesday 26th February. The speaker will be Dr. Twigs Way speaking on 'A History of women in gardening'.
Don't forget your mug for your tea/coffee. Raffle, sales table.
Membership subs are due, £10.00 per person and the Members' Programme 2025 will also be available.
2. The Wisley coach outing (Saturday 3rd May) is gathering momentum, however, after the 22nd March the trip will be opened to non-members, you WILL still be able to book, but places may be limited.
3. How is your Society daffodil faring? The spring show will be held on 19th March.
4. Finally, we will be holding our annual PLANT SALE at our May meeting - 21st MAY. This will be in conjunction with the Baldock Festival week, so if you want to grow some plants to donate, or it may be the time to re-design your garden, your chance is shining!